GGA has been at the forefront of cross-border business for over a decade, supporting the creation of new business opportunities. Our diverse consulting team, which negotiates with more than 200 local companies annually, acts as your corporate advisor and enables you to build win-win business relationships.

Coinsulting Services for Systematic Entry into Japan's Market

Japan’s Market Analysis

As a strategic adviser, the company assists with selecting target areas, formulating and implementing entry strategies, including medium- and long-term plans. A certified public accountant is on staff, so international taxation advice is also available.

    • Market and Target Area Analysis

    • Competitor Analysis

    • Competitive Product Analysis

    • Industry Structure Analysis

    • Industry Trend Analysis

  • Competitive Product Positioning and Promotion Analysis

Strategic Planning and Execution

As the client's strategic advisor, we use our extensive experience and connections to support client’s negotiation with prospective business partners to ensure a successful, win-win business partnership.

    • Goal Setting and Issue Identification: Set goals and clarify challenges.

    • Competitor Analysis and Differentiation Strategy: Analyze competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and determine differentiation points.

    • Entry Roadmap Creation: Develop a concrete action plan.

    • Evaluation of the Existing Business Model: Analyze the current business model to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

    • Development of a New Business Model: Design a new business model tailored to the market environment.

    • Formulation of Monetization Strategy: Develop a specific strategy to maximize profitability.

    • Identification and Segmentation of Target Market: Segment the market and identify the optimal target customer groups.

    • Development of Promotion Strategy: Create a promotion strategy to enhance brand awareness and attract customers.

    • Channel Strategy Development: Select and optimize distribution channels to effectively deliver products or services.

Marketing Implementation Support

We analyse the characteristics of the local market and formulate brand strategies suitable for the target group. We implement effective and efficient marketing measures to help increase brand awareness and market share.

    • Partner Candidate List Creation

    • Japanese Company Visits/Meetings Setup

    • Japanese Website Development

    • Digital Marketing

    • Social Media Management

    • Strategic PR/Communications, Press Releases

    • Content Localization

Contact Us

If you have management challenges related to business, M&A, HR, or accounting in the Asian region, please feel free to contact us.

Experts, both domestic and international, with deep knowledge in each area, will work closely with your company to help solve your management issues.